
LinkedIn Demand Generation Strategy

LinkedIn Demand Generation Strategy is a structured and thoughtfully curated marketing strategy that aims to consistently raise brand recognition and interest while producing leads of the highest quality.  

It technically covers the entire customer journey from interest to demand generation, but an easier way to think about it is to look at the opinions of potential customers about your product or service.  

A demand generation marketing strategy begins with assessing how well your potential audience knows your brand, identifying ways to introduce that brand to a new group of buyers, and then developing that relationship by building trust and authority. 

Why Should Marketers Use Demand Generation? 

Developing a B2B demand generation strategy for your marketing campaigns offers several benefits. 

  • Increased brand awareness 

In order to raise buyers’ awareness of products and services, social media, direct messaging, brand recognition, and content marketing are the most common demand generation strategies that people rely on. This is vital since, prior to closing a deal, the majority of B2B buyers conduct independent research on goods and services. 

  • Improved lead generation 

B2B demand marketing fosters consumer confidence and encourages the sharing of contact information, resulting in higher response rates in lead generation efforts and the development of Marketing Qualified Leads.  

  • Higher return on investment (ROI). 

Online marketing initiatives for B2B brands optimize ROI, sales revenue, and deal closures by combining demand and lead creation strategies. 

Using of Top-Funnel Activities for Demand Generation 

The first stage of your marketing funnel is Top of Funnel Marketing, where your customer begins their journey as a potential lead.  

Funnel activities can help you generate and sustain your target audience’s interest in your products or services. It is a combination of marketing and sales strategies that are linked to your buyer’s journey.  

Consider the following strategies to improve and maximise demand creation along the funnel: 

  • Content Marketing: Creating high-quality, useful content that is relevant to your target audience’s interests can help you grow your business, but the content should be strategically curated in order to attract, engage, and convert leads.  We can help you with LinkedIn ghostwriting. Feel free to Book a Free Call!
  • LinkedIn ads: Nowadays people are using social media platforms to target niche audiences. Use LinkedIn sponsored advertising to reach a larger audience and increase brand exposure. 

Understanding the significance of demand generation in marketing is very critical for businesses looking to succeed in the digital age. By concentrating your marketing efforts on the various stages of the sales funnel and adopting effective techniques, you can develop a successful demand generation plan that promotes growth and supports long-term success. 

The Importance of Identifying Anonymous Website Visitors 

One of the efficient ways to improve lead quality is by identifying anonymous website visitors. These visitors are already interested in your website, and with more information, you can target your marketing efforts to convert them. Detailed insights into visitor behaviour enable tailored follow-up actions that are more likely to produce results.  

Understanding and responding to unconverted visitor behaviour is critical for any professional B2B business. You can make better judgments and get more leads by identifying and evaluating anonymous website visitors. 

Tools for identifying Anonymous Website Visitors 

  • RB2B 

RB2B is an advanced digital platform designed to transform the way businesses identify and engage with anonymous website visitors. This powerful ability goes beyond mere recognition; it provides a deep understanding of the purchase intent of these visitors.  

By analysing behavioural patterns, pages visited and interactions with content, RB2B can measure each visitor’s level of interest and potential investment intent. This allows companies to not only to give a personal touch to the user experience in real time, but also adjust their marketing and sales strategies to match the identified buying signals. 

  • 6sense 

6sense uses artificial intelligence and predictive analytics to help sales and marketing teams make better decisions, streamline workflows and achieve better results. 

At its core, 6sense is an AI-powered platform that gives businesses deep insights into their target audiences, enabling them to personalise marketing and sales, identify quality leads and optimise the sales funnel.  

LinkedIn Live Event 

LinkedIn offers a massive platform to generate thought leadership, spread brand awareness and collect qualified leads. One way to optimize your LinkedIn presence is to make effective use of LinkedIn events. 

LinkedIn events offer a great opportunity to elevate your brand to industry leadership. By arranging virtual events, workshops and webinars, you can organically amplify your brand’s voice. According to LinkedIn’s internal data, member engagement at virtual events increased by more than 90% during the pandemic. With the return of in-person events, a hybrid strategy allows you to reach a global audience.  

Here are three proven strategies to get the most out of LinkedIn events: 

  • Focus on your target audience 

The goal is to offer events made to your Ideal Customer Avatar (ICA). This provides your brand with direct access to its most important audience. Use LinkedIn’s extensive targeting options to promote your event to the right people. 

  • Use influencers and industry experts 

Collaborate with influencers and industry experts that your audience knows and trusts. This will increase the credibility of your event and help attract the target audience. Make sure the speakers are prominently featured when promoting the event. 

  • Capture quality leads 

Make sure you have a solid lead capture process in place using various tools as high-quality leads are capable of increasing a company’s sales and revenue. If you’re in sales or business, finding a lead quality score can help you efficiently generate valuable leads for your business and help you succeed. 

By continuously holding quality LinkedIn events, you can establish your brand, raise visibility, and produce consistent sales leads over time. The goal is to develop a comprehensive and thoughtful event marketing approach. 

LinkedIn Thought Leadership Content 

Thought leadership is extremely crucial at times of crisis and disruption, because people are looking for answers to changing circumstances, which increases demand for thought leadership-style content. 

The process below can help you to ensure that your leadership content is prepared for success: 

  • Step 1: Align your brand perspective and priorities

What does your brand mean? What will you accomplish together in the coming months and years? 

Content marketing is a team effort. Inconsistent remarks by team members leads the marketing team and the audience are left with a negative impression. 

On the other hand, if every part of your content strategy fits and ties into a logical, believable and inspiring story, listeners will be able to more easily follow and immerse themselves in your story. 

  • Step 2: Define your thought leadership goals

We want our thought leadership strategies to build trust and ultimately increase revenue. That said, every B2B marketer has the same goals. However, for the most part, the similarities end there. 

  • Step 3: Determine the strategies and channels you plan to use

Decision fatigue is real, and because we have so many choices, marketers are especially prone to it. That’s why it’s so important to map out which paths you’ll take and which ones to ignore. At first, it may feel like you’re limiting yourself. But in reality, you’re freeing your mind from always having to weigh unnecessary possibilities. 

This doesn’t mean you can’t experiment or change your marketing mix. Figuring out strategies and channels is more about executing the plan accurately and making sure the experiment is relevant. 

  • Step 4: Activate employees and business leaders

A common mistake that most of us make is to assume that our colleagues in our business will participate simply because we all are on the same team. 

When colleagues participate enthusiastically and sustainably, it is ultimately because they have good reasons to do so. It could easily be argued that an employee engagement campaign has more to do with the long-term success of your thought leadership strategy than any other campaign. 

  • Step 5: Engage, Learn, Adapt

Or in other words, what is your plan to gather critical feedback and modify your strategy if necessary? Thought Leadership is all about staying ahead of the game.  

Just as thought leadership strategies vary from company to company, so does the above process. You want to make sure your team covers all five stages, but beyond that, everything else can and should be tailored to your business.  

Share Podcast Clips on LinkedIn 

While many podcasters do their best to promote their podcast on platforms like Twitter and Instagram, we’re here to tell you that you’re probably missing out on one of the most powerful promotional tools there and that’s LinkedIn.  

By optimizing your LinkedIn profile, creating the right types of posts, and launching a LinkedIn newsletter, you can build loyal podcast listeners and build an engaged community and potential conversions. And best of all, you don’t need a large audience to generate results. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to growing your podcast on LinkedIn. 

  • Step 1: Determine your goals for your podcast

When promoting your podcast, you should be able to clearly specify what you want to gain from it. And not merely a larger audience: who do you want to reach? How would you like them to feel? 

Then you can get even more detailed information about each platform you use to promote your podcasts. LinkedIn has a specific target audience – usually people who want to connect with other professionals and find new job opportunities. 

  • Step 2: Make use of your LinkedIn profile

Your LinkedIn profile and content can work side by side as a marketing funnel to attract potential podcast listeners and help you achieve your goals. 

  • Step 3: Share your podcast episode on LinkedIn

Finally, it’s time to share your podcast episode via LinkedIn. Just avoid sharing your podcast link without an explanation, as it can seem repetitive, and your target audience won’t realise it’s a new episode. Instead, create an engaging poster for each episode. 

By following the steps above, you can build loyal podcast listeners. 

LinkedIn Newsletter 

You can use a LinkedIn newsletter to regularly discuss professional topics that interest you. LinkedIn members can subscribe to your newsletter to receive notifications of new published articles, allowing you to regularly build and grow an engaged audience. 

Starting a newsletter on LinkedIn means you are engaging your audience from the moment you publish.  

LinkedIn makes it easy to invite all your contacts or followers to join your newsletter when you create it. In addition, email notifications are sent to all your subscribers after each newsletter is published to increase impressions.  

LinkedIn Newsletter

Get real-time feedback and comments from your readers and use analytics to analyse how your content is performing.  

When a member begins following another member, they are automatically emailed an invitation to join the newsletter. 

All LinkedIn members can find, read and share LinkedIn newsletters. Any LinkedIn member can subscribe to the newsletter. 

Subscribed newsletters are visible to others and also on your profile, unless you unsubscribe. The newsletter writer will see your name, profile picture, title and job title as they appear on your LinkedIn profile according to your settings.  

By subscribing to the newsletter, you also start following the author of the newsletter.  

LinkedIn Thought Leadership Ads 

 You can use Thought leadership ads to promote content that can increase your reach and help you achieve your branding goals. Thought leadership ads can help your content stay interesting and relevant by using the experiences of members.  

To promote a thought leadership ad, the supported goal type must be brand awareness or engagement, and the supported ad format must be a single image ad or a video ad. 


  • Posts can only contain a text link and an image 
  • The message must not contain videos or documents 
  • The goal of the campaign must be brand awareness or engagement 
  • LinkedIn Audience Network must be disabled 
  • The employee must be listed as an active role on the company’s LinkedIn profile 


  • Identify the message you want to expand 
  • Open your campaign on the Ads page 
  • Click Browse postings 
  • Click on Employee 
  • Search to find an employee 
  • Search for an employee to find a posting 
  • Under Post, click Apply 
  • Send the employee the application link or ask them to check their email 
  • The employee must review/confirm the message 

 Collaboration With LinkedIn Influencers 

Influencer marketing is a powerful way to reach and engage your target audience, but it can also become repetitive and boring if you rely on the same old product reviews and sponsored posts. To stand out amongst the rest and create more meaningful collaborations, you need to think outside the box and try different ways of working with influencers. Below are some ideas to for you: 

  • Run a giveaway or contest 

One of the easiest and most effective ways to work with influencers is to run a giveaway or contest with their followers. This can generate curiosity, increase your visibility and increase your email list or social media following. 

  • Create a co-branded product or service 

Another option to collaborate with influencers is to develop a co-branded product or service that demonstrates both your and their expertise. This is an excellent method to use their influence, credibility, and creativity to provide something unique and beneficial to their customers.  

  • Invite them to an event 

If you want to strengthen your relationship with influencers and their followers, invite them to events linked to your company. This can be a live or virtual event, such as a webinar, workshop, panel discussion, or product introduction. 

  • Feature them in your content 

Another way to work with influencers is to feature them in your content, such as a blog, podcast, video or newsletter. This allows you to highlight their skills, personality, and story while also adding value to your audience. You can interview them, ask them for advice, insights, or thoughts, or invite them to co-host your content.  

Collaboration with influencers may increase your brand’s visibility, attract potential customers, and connect with new communities. However, engaging with influencers might help you design a successful campaign.  


Now that you have a clear understanding of demand generation and all of its strategies, it is vital to put this information to use. By following ideas and best practices, you will surely generate demand for your business. 

After all, it is all about creating desire and interest in your target audience, and we can achieve this through a mix of marketing magic and channels. While demand generation focuses on strategies to attract potential customers, it takes the whole marketing and sales to the next step. It not only collects leads, but also nurtures them through a strategic process until the customers are ready to buy.   

We can help you create and execute your LinkedIn Demand Generation Strategy. Please Book a Free Call Now!

About Author: With extensive B2B Marketing experience, I specialize in driving client success across diverse industries through targeted B2B and LinkedIn marketing strategies. Having collaborated with clients from various sectors, I bring a client-centric approach, fostering lasting partnerships based on trust and tangible results. Connect with me on LinkedIn.

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