
How To Get B2B Leads On Linkedin in 2024

As we enter into 2024, understanding the strategies for generating leads through LinkedIn is crucial. LinkedIn is an effective and best social media platform for B2B marketers who want to grow their business online and become successful. Unlike other social media applications, it provides several opportunities to connect professional people, clients, and partners.

In 2024, it is important to understand the dynamics of B2B lead generation through LinkedIn. This platform offers various professional networks from various industries and geographic areas. To stay competitive in the market, you should know how LinkedIn can help you find potential leads. As said, LinkedIn is a goldmine for B2B marketers. This comprehensive guide shares various methods and strategies to find high-quality leads from LinkedIn.

Why is LinkedIn best for B2B targeting?

LinkedIn is the best social media platform for B2B targeting. This gives various ways for businesses to connect with professionals and clients.

Two hundred countries use LinkedIn worldwide: 227 million in Europe, 136 million in Latin America, 244 million in Asia Pacific, and 49 million in the Middle East and Africa. As per the data, LinkedIn has 121,200,000 users in India till January 2024, meaning 8.4% of the population. This is the platform that gives a vast professional network to the target audience.

Here are some major reasons to choose LinkedIn for B2B targeting:

  • Professional Network: As per the data, LinkedIn has 1 billion users globally. Unlike other social media applications, people use them just for fun and personal uses. This is the only platform where you can connect with the B2B decision-makers and stakeholders.
  • Rich Data: LinkedIn offers rich user data with details about job titles and companies. You can find people from various demographics, skills, and interests. Use this data to create personalized and targeted campaigns to reach the right audiences.
  • Find Target Audience: LinkedIn allows targeting people based on industry, job titles, company size, and geographic location to ensure you reach the potential customers interested in your products or services. But, it is important to use this correctly to get limitless opportunities.
  • Context, Context, Context: When using LinkedIn for B2B targeting, you will benefit from context, unlike other social media platforms. The main purpose of LinkedIn is to network with professional people. You will find a new feed relevant to the industry, career, news, or expert advice whenever you refresh LinkedIn.

Comparison Between LinkedIn and other social media platforms:

Professionals and business stakeholders from various industries
A diverse range of users, including business owners and personal users
A mix of individuals and businesses
Mainly individual users and some businesses
Targeting Options
Various options for B2B targeting
Limited B2B targeting options
Limited B2B targeting options
Limited B2B targeting options
Networking Opportunities
Extensive networking opportunities
Limited networking opportunities
Limited networking opportunities
Limited networking opportunities
Insights and Analytics
Robust analytics tools and provide extensive details
Analytics are available, but less details
Analytics are available, but less details
Analytics are available, but less details
Trust and Credibility
Offers a professional environment builds trust
Trust varies depending on the business presence
Trust varies depending on the business presence
Trust varies depending on the business presence

How to get B2B leads on LinkedIn?

Generating leads is important to stay competitive in the market, and it is essential to understand strategies and activities that you can use to attract potential leads. So, let’s explore different LinkedIn strategies:

B2B Lead Generation via LinkedIn connection requests :

  • Personalize Connection Request: Using LinkedIn, you can send a few personalized connection requests. With Sales Navigator, there is no limit in personalized note for connection requests. Make a personalized message to send a connection request and add mutual interest and why you want to connect with them. This will help you to connect with them.
  • Follow-Up: Engage with the new connection by sending a follow-up message that includes your interest in connecting further and exploring potential opportunities.

linkedin connections

LinkedIn Sales Navigator for B2B Lead Generation:

LinkedIn sales navigator is a great tool for generating leads because it gives various opportunities to connect with potential people by setting up personalized campaigns.

  • Use Advanced Search Filters: If you have specific requirements, such as job title, company size, industry, followers, company, experience, services, language, and location, to generate leads. You can use an advanced search filter and set these factors.
  • Save Leads and Accounts: When you search the leads, and you don’t need that lead at that time, you have an option to save leads or accounts to access in the future.
  • InMail Message: The sales navigator offers an advanced feature which is InMail message. In this feature, you can send personalized messages to the prospects and offer insight into their business.

linkedin sales navigator

LinkedIn Content Marketing for B2B Lead Generation

To generate leads via LinkedIn, you should stay consistent on LinkedIn and ensure that your LinkedIn profile and page are strong to make them strong; you need to post content with different types such as videos, text, infographics, carousal, tips, etc.

To target a particular industry, you should regularly share industry-relevant articles, case studies, insights, whitepapers, etc., to establish connections with industry leaders. However, it is important to produce high-quality content.

You can follow the 80-20 rule which means 80% educational and 20% promotional content posted on LinkedIn. You can build credibility by using this method.

Commenting on the other post also is a good way to connect with people. This method also helps you to establish relationships with your audience. You should also use relevant hashtags in your posts to increase views and reach. 77% of content marketers use LinkedIn to produce content for organic results.

LinkedIn Search Filter for B2B Leads

To generate B2B leads via Linkedin, create targeted LinkedIn ads based on criteria such as industry, job level, location, etc. So you can reach your ideal B2B audience. 40% of B2B marketers say that LinkedIn provides high-quality leads.

LinkedIn Ads for B2B Lead Generation

LinkedIn is the top organic social media platform for B2B businesses and offers paid advertising. If you have money and want to reach the right target audience, you can select paid content campaigns on LinkedIn. You can promote valuable and relevant content through sponsored posts. This will help you to increase visibility and drive engagement. You will get potential leads by this method.

LinkedIn is used for organic social networks and paid social networks,s and it is the top paid social network, 80% of B2B marketers use LinkedIn ads. Facebook is next at 69%, followed by Twitter at 30%.

You can also use LinkedIn’s lead generation forms and collect data such as contact information to reach them directly. Lead generating form is one of the best methods to generate leads.

Try different ad formats, such as sponsored InMail, carousel ads, and lead generation forms. You can select whatever suits you and try the free native content feature that enhances your engagement with the audience.

You should try the Hubspot ads management tool to create, manage, organize, and execute LinkedIn advertising campaigns and access high-quality reports regularly. You can also look for a professional LinkedIn Ads Agency to propel your lead gen efforts.

linkedin ads

Lead Nurturing for LinkedIn B2B Lead Generation

  • Create a message per the connection needs and interests and nurture them in the sales funnel. You can also share relevant information and resources to make a strong connection.
  • Continuously provide valuable, informative content, solutions to their pain points, and personalized recommendations. Don’t force them to take your services or products.
  • To make strong relationships try to communicate regularly with the leads on LinkedIn. You can communicate via messages, emails, or phone calls. This helps to keep engaged and interested in your services. Lead nurturing is a highly underrated LinkedIn Lead Generation strategy.

Existing connections outreach

This is necessary to interact with your connection and converse proactively but not become a spammer. Reach out to your existing connection and ask for referrals to get potential leads within your network. You can personalize your outreach message by knowing a common interest. Share information about your products or services through regular LinkedIn posts and offer valuable resources to build strong relations with your current connections.

LinkedIn groups for B2B Leads

LinkedIn allows you to connect in groups, just like Facebook. Users can create groups per the industry, and you can invite professionals and have conversations. LinkedIn also lets you send 15 direct messages to group members monthly. Join relevant groups to engage with the target audience. You must contribute to the group discussions by answering the questions and sharing valuable insights to showcase your expertise.

You can also connect personally with the members who can become clients and benefit from your products or services. Don’t start directly pitching your products or services; try to find their interest and pain points. You can provide the solution by offering your services.

linkedin groups

Final Thoughts

LinkedIn is a great platform for business because B2B marketers use LinkedIn to make decisions and 67 million companies have a LinkedIn page, and growing. LinkedIn is a successful platform for B2B marketers compared to other social media platforms. 82% of B2B marketers have reported their success on LinkedIn.

With the right approach, LinkedIn can be a goldmine for your business and achieve success in B2B & LinkedIn Marketing.

LinkedIn offers various ways to generate B2B leads and empower businesses to connect with their target audience. You can choose any strategy to build a strong connection from personalized connection to targeted advertising. By using these strategies, you can get various opportunities to generate high-quality leads and drive growth. 

If you are looking for help, we would be glad to assist you in your LinkedIn Lead Generation efforts. Do Contact us & will get back to you ASAP.

About Author: With extensive B2B Marketing experience, I specialize in driving client success across diverse industries through targeted B2B and LinkedIn marketing strategies. Having collaborated with clients from various sectors, I bring a client-centric approach, fostering lasting partnerships based on trust and tangible results. Connect with me on LinkedIn.

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