
LinkedIn Ads Agentur

Looking for a LinkedIn Ads Agentur to market your products and services in Deutschland, we would be glad to help.

Through our tailored strategies and years of experience, we can help you with :

  • Creating LinkedIn Ads strategy.
  • LinkedIn Ad copy creation – Image, video & whitepapers.
  • LinkedIn campaign creation.
  • LinkedIn campaign performance & cost optimization
  • Integration with HubSpot or any other CRM.
  • A/B testing to evaluate what works and what does not.

Creating LinkedIn Ads strategy

Before starting the campaign we significantly invest time to understand the business industry and product/service offerings.

We also do competitive intelligence to see what other similar competitive firms are leveraging LinkedIn ads for their offerings.

Once we have gained sufficient business understanding, we then define the ideal customer profile so that we target the right audience to begin with.

LinkedIn Ads copy creation

We then start with LinkedIn ad copy creation. We review the existing assets to create Ad copies & also create Ad copies from scratch.

Ad copies generally include impactful graphics, videos and whitepapers/case studies. Based on the client briefing, our expert designers then start working on the ad creatives. Our copywriters work on creating compelling ad captions.

Once the Ad copy and Ad caption are created, we send details to the client for approval. Once approved, we move forward to campaign creation.

LinkedIn Campaign Creation

We start with selecting the appropriate campaign objective – Lead generation, brand awareness, thought leadership etc.

Once the campaign objective is defined, we then define target geographies to target. Based, on the ICP, we then define strategic criteria to define the audience in LinkedIn Ads Manager.

Once the audience is defined, we move forward to adding the budget and defining the duration of the LinkedIn Ads campaign.

Once we define the above, we move forward to creating the Ad in the campaign manager using our pre-approved Ad caption and creative. If it’s a lead generation campaign, we create a LinkedIn lead generation form to capture the leads.

LinkedIn campaign performance & cost optimization

We regularly monitor the performance of our campaigns to review :

  • Cost per lead
  • No. of leads
  • Click through rate
  • No. of clicks

This helps us to effectively measure campaign performance and do necessary optimizations in the campaign.

Integration with HubSpot or any other CRM

If you have CRM, we can help with CRM integration so that LinkedIn leads directly flow to the CRM & instead of manually downloading leads from the campaign manager.

CRM also helps to keep track of all leads in one place to see when there is a need to schedule a follow-up with a particular decision-maker.

A/B testing

We perform A/B testing to see which campaign performs best for our product and service offerings.

We also create LinkedIn re-targeting ads to target those decision-makers who have shown interest in our previous campaigns.

LinkedIn Ads Examples (Popular ones)

  • Lead Generation – If you have a B2B product or services and planning to generate leads on LinkedIn, you can leverage this campaign objective.
  • Website Visits – If you have a website landing page & planning to generate traffic from LinkedIn, you can leverage the “website visits” campaign objective.
  • Thought leadership Ad (Recently launched) – You can promote the LinkedIn post of a Co-Founder, CEO or any other C-suite executive, you can leverage thought leadership LinkedIn ads.

Why LinkedIn Ads?

LinkedIn is the best platform for B2B marketing. You can generate good quality leads from LinkedIn if done in the right manner. Most of the C-level executive are active on LinkedIn and use it to share their expertise, personal experience etc.

Our Expertise

We have years of global experience in running LinkedIn ads for clients. We have worked with German clients and helped generate leads through LinkedIn Ads and LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

We can also help you create well-researched (no AI) LinkedIn content for :

  • Personal LinkedIn profile
  • LinkedIn company page
  • LinkedIn Articles

We can also help you in content production for website blogs, landing pages and whitepapers.

We offer competitive pricing for all our service offerings. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

About Author: With extensive B2B Marketing experience, I specialize in driving client success across diverse industries through targeted B2B and LinkedIn marketing strategies. Having collaborated with clients from various sectors, I bring a client-centric approach, fostering lasting partnerships based on trust and tangible results. Connect with me on LinkedIn.

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